Forest Management and Biodiversity across Europe - Evaluation form

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Forest Management and Biodiversity across Europe

Evaluation form

The organisers ask you to fill in this evaluation form of the course. The information is used to check and improve the quality of our courses. Please give your score for the questions / issues listed below on a scale from 1-5 (1= bad, not at all; 5 = excellent, very much so). Questions marked with a red asterisk are compulsory. If needed, please fill in comments and suggestions in the designated text fields.

Personal details
General questions
Was your starting level/background appropriate for the course? *
Did the course meet your expectations based on the information? *
Was the supply of information prior to the course sufficient and timely? *
Do you think the level of this course was sufficient for PhD candidates (1=NO, not at all / 5=YES, totally)? *
How were you informed about the existence of this course?
Did you appreciate the topics that were treated? *
Was there enough room for discussion after the lectures? *
Did you get enough opportunity to discuss your own work with the experts present? *
General score for the lecture sessions *
Comments on the lectures
Group work assignment
Did you appreciate the set-up of the group work assignment? *
Was there sufficient time for the group work assignment? *
Did you appreciate the way in which feedback was given? *
Your general score for the group work assignment *
Comments or suggestions on the group work assignment
Questions about the facilities and catering
How would you rate the quality of the lecture room? *
How would you rate the quality of the sleeping facilities? *
How would you rate the catering? *
What is your overall rating for the venue? *
Comments on the facilities and catering
Overall questions about the course
How do you rate the course overall? *
Do you think this course was beneficial to your own project? *
Do you think this course was beneficial for your personal development / personal network / career perspectives? *
Do you have any suggestions for future editions of this course?
Do you have any final comments or suggestions that you would like to share?