To prepare participants for a career dealing with data, in an actual business environment. The jump from a purely academic environment to a production environment comes with its own challenges. We aim to educate our participants in what the data lifecycle looks like in a post-academic world. Purpose of the course is to introduce participants in how to deal with common issues in a real production environment and how to communicate their insights with stakeholders within and across organizations.
This course focuses on teaching the data lifecycle and how to develop a data-strategy for organizations that are interested in digital transformation. We will talk about and solve common problems that you might encounter when starting your analytics or data science career. For the hands-on examples we will be using the R programming language, and putting your R skills to practical use.
The course is more geared towards building awareness of business data lifecycles and focuses less on practical R programming. R users will benefit from putting their skills to the test against some common data production workflows, but the focus will be on the conceptual nature of data in a business context and not teaching you R programming. We assume you have knowledge of how to program in R, and this course is recommended for participants who have already followed our previous courses: "Introduction to R and R Studio”, and “Tidy Data Transformation and Visualization with R”.
Target Group | The course is aimed at PhD candidates, postdocs, and academic staff |
Group Size | Min. 15 - Max. 24 participants |
Course duration | to be determined |
Language of instruction | English |
Frequency of recurrence | to be determined |
Number of credits | to be determined |
Lecturers | Ioannis Baltzakis, Alejandro Morales Sierra |
Prior knowledge | Participants should be familiar with all the concepts taught in the course “Introduction to R” and “Tidy Data Transformation and Visualization with R“ offered by PE&RC |
Location | Online/Wageningen University Campus |
Generally, the following fees apply for this course, but note that the actual fees may be somewhat different for the next edition of this course.
PE&RC / WIMEK / WASS / EPS / VLAG / WIAS PhD candidates with an approved TSP | € 120,- | € 170,- |
a) All other PhD candidates b) Postdocs and staff of PE&RC and WIMEK |
€ 280,- | € 330,- |
All others | € 400,- | € 450,- |
1 The course fee includes a reader, coffee/tea, and lunches. It does not include accommodation (NB: options for accommodation are given above)
2 The Early-Bird Fee generally applies to anyone who REGISTERS AT LEAST 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE START OF THE COURSE
Claudius van de Vijver (PE&RC)
Phone: +31 (0) 317 485116
Phone: +31 (0) 317 485426
At this moment, this course is not scheduled yet. However, if you register your interest in this activity below, we will inform you as soon as the course is scheduled and registration of participation is opened.