Modelling is a crucial part of today's science. Particularly in agronomy, ecology, soil sciences and environmental sciences, where models are used for assessing sensitivity of systems to disturbances or changes in external factors, and for predictions of future system states. This course provides an introduction to modelling. Modelling concepts will be dealt with in detail, going through the basic steps to be taken. The main themes of this course are:
Note that the course is about modelling, not about programming. The main part of the course focuses on systems analysis using dynamic simulation models. Systems approaches are widely used in studies of ecological systems for the purpose of increasing our understanding of ecosystems functioning and improving systems management. This course introduces the participants to the study of the behaviour of ecological systems. The course includes examples from agronomy, ecology, soil sciences and environmental sciences. However, beyond these specific topics, the concepts of modelling that are being taught are relevant for any kind of model.
The course comprises four blocks:
The first block focuses on conceptual model formulation and quantitative model specification, using concepts such as system, model, simulation, state, rate, feedback, time-coefficient, relational diagram, analysis of dimensions or units, numerical integration methods and discontinuities in integral contents. The concepts are explained using examples from crop production, soil organic matter dynamics and population ecology. Programming is guided by the use of relational diagrams in the software package Visual Grind.
The second block introduces partial differential equations for the simulation of spatial processes in one or two dimensions. We start with simulating one dimensional processes, such as heat flow, and mass flow and diffusion of nutrients in soils. Subsequently, spatial modelling is introduced, using the example of vegetation patterning to illustrate two-dimensional modelling. Programming will be conducted in in the software package MATLAB, which is more flexible than Visual Grind.
The third block focuses on aspects related to model calibration and evaluation. Statistical means and inverse modelling are used to assess how well a model describes experimental data. Techniques for parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis are introduced and model outcomes will be discussed critically.
Finally, some time is reserved for reflection on own research and modelling plans. On the last day, all participants will prepare and present their modelling work.
The software packages Visual Grind and Matlab will be used. These will be made available to participants. The course comprises a) lectures, b) practicals in which exercises are solved using paper and pencil and by means of a computer, c) application of the subject matter in case studies elaborated in small groups, d) reflection on own study and model(s) using the concepts and applications used, and e) presentations of how modelling is used in the participants' own work. Upon successful completion of this course, participants are expected to be able to:
The programme of the last edition of this course (September 2021) can be downloaded here. This should provide you with an indication of the general build-up of this course. The precise structure of the next edition of this course may of course differ somewhat.
Target Group | The course is aimed at PhD candidates and other academics. |
Group Size | Min. 14, max. 24 participants |
Course duration | 2 weeks (10 working days) |
Language of instruction | English |
Frequency of recurrence | Every two years |
Number of credits | 3 ECTs |
Lecturers | Prof. Katrien Descheemaeker and Dr. Tom Schut (Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University), Dr Simon van Mourik (Agricultural Biosystems Engineering, Wageningen University). Guest lecturers: To be determined. |
Prior knowledge | It helps if you have basic knowledge of mathematics (in particular basic algebra, vector and matrix algebra, differentiation, integration and differential equations). Participants who want to refresh their mathematics background knowledge can refer to the hand books "Mathematics at work: Volume 2, Analysis applied (2018)" and "Mathematics at work: Volume 3, Vectors and matrices applied (2018)". |
Location | Wageningen University Campus |
Options for accommodation |
Accommodation is not included in the fee of the course, but there are several possibilities in Wageningen. For information on B&B's and hotels in Wageningen see: |
PE&RC PhD candidates and PhDs and EngD's of WU | € 575 | € 625 |
PE&RC postdocs and staff | € 1.150 | € 1.200 |
All other academic participants | € 1.190 | € 1.240 |
Non academic participants | € 2.300 | € 2.350 |
1 The course fee includes a reader, coffee/tea, lunches and one dinner. It does not include accommodation (NB: options for accommodation are given above)
2 The Early-Bird Fee applies to anyone who REGISTERS ON OR BEFORE 5 JULY 2025
Note: If you would like to cancel your registration, ALWAYS inform us (and do note that you will be kept to the cancellation conditions)
Dr. Claudius van de Vijver (PE&RC)
Phone: +31 (0) 317 485116
To register, please enter your details below and click "Register".