Strategic funds have been allocated by Wageningen University to the Graduate School to initiate and stimulate collaborative research on the cutting edge of science and relevant to the mission and focal areas of the research school.
PE&RC has decided that there will be three subsequent calls for PhD/postdoc positions within each of the three focal areas of PE&RC. The first call for three positions will be within the focal area One health*.
The funds will be allocated to support PhD candidates and postdocs within projects that are exemplary for the focal area. Projects are meant to stimulate internal coherence (between PE&RC chair groups and/or research institutes but with clear added value for each partner) and provide opportunities for acquisition of new activities in the specific field. Writing of a proposal for a personal fellowship can be part of the output of a project.
We recommend that applicants contact the PE&RC office for advice on whether or not a certain subject fits into the focal area of interest.
The applicants are asked to motivate whether it should be a PhD or a postdoc project. We strive towards funding of at least one postdoc project.
Besides the mentioned aspects, the specific proposals will be assessed based on:
Only one proposal per regular chair as leading applicant is allowed for each round.
The funding involves personnel costs including indirect costs (2017: 34.8% in addition to personnel costs) for four-year PhD-positions (according to a central payment schedule for employed PhD candidates) or 2.5-year postdoc positions (based on real salary costs, at maximum scale 11.5). Funding for organizing workshops and inviting visiting scientists can be part of the project budget. Other research-related costs should be covered by the participating groups.
*The theme overlaps with the Wageningen University & Research investment theme ‘Global One Health’, that reflects the interconnectedness and global nature of health care for humans, animals, plants and the environment.
The pre-proposal should involve:
After selection a limited number of applicants will be asked to elaborate a full proposal (about 50% success rate). The full proposal should involve:
The PhD candidate or postdoc will be employed at Wageningen University and the PhD candidate has to obtain his/her PhD degree at Wageningen University. This is irrespective of the location where research is performed.
The Board of PE&RC invites applicants to send pre-proposals to before April 10, 2017 (9.00 a.m.) using this form.
More information about this call can be obtained from PE&RC office.
Note: in this system candidates cannot be employed at a non-WU partner participating in PE&RC (Wageningen Research, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, NIOO, UU, UVA or VU) and in case of a PhD position the PhD graduation has to be at WU. However a collaborating partner in PE&RC can be the second partner in a project (with a leading applicant from WU). They can only be the leading party if they are willing to cover the salary costs when the PhD candidate/postdoc is employed at their institute.