WGS PhD Workshop Carousel 2021 Online - Evaluation form

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Wageningen Graduate Schools

PhD Workshop Carousel

Evaluation Form

The organisers ask you to fill in this evaluation form of the course. The information is used to check and improve the quality of our courses. Please give your score for the questions / issues listed below on a scale from 1-5 (1= bad, not at all. 5 = excellent, very much so). If needed, please fill in comments and suggestions in the designated text fields.

Personal details
Workshop-specific questions
Which workshops did you join?


Designing an attractive and effective poster
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Drawing essentials for impactful communication, peace of mind and lots of fun
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Effective and efficient verbal communication in academia and beyond; a teaser
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Entrepreneurship as a skillset for career development
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
How to Engage in Meaningful Conversations? Introducing the WUR Dialogue Navigator
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
How to fail
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Making Your Science More Accessible
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Managing your supervisor in an online world
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Mindful productivity for PhD Candidates
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Pitching your research
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Research data and scientific publishing in a changing world
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Searching and Organising Literature
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Storytelling for academics
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Supervising MSc students online
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Would you be interested in following a full workshop on this topic? *
Academics outside academia?! Feed, Pharma, Biotech edition
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
Academics outside academia?! Food & Agri edition
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
LinkedIn advice session
Are you satisfied with the CONTENT of the workshop? *
Are you satisfied with the LECTURER of the workshop? *
General questions
Which workshop(s) should remain in the programme for the next WGS PhD Workshop Carousel?
Which workshop(s) should be removed from the programme next year?
Do you have suggestions for new workshop topics to be included in the next carousel?
Do you have any other general comments or suggestions?