Climate-Smart Agriculture

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Climate-Smart Agriculture

From fundamentals to application



Agriculture and climate change are closely interrelated: climate is a main determinant of agricultural production while agriculture is responsible for approximately one third of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an increasingly appreciated approach that aims at ensuring food security, while lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the resilience of agricultural systems to climate change. CSA is facing various challenges that could hamper its implementation including its scope and meaning, enhancing synergies and reducing trade-offs, the identification of climate smart practices, the realization of a conducive policy environment, and the design and implementation of context-specific solutions.

This course addresses the interlinked challenges of agriculture and climate change in a holistic manner approaching CSA from various perspectives including animal & plant sciences, politics & governance, and business & finance in an interdisciplinary manner. It will provide participants with an overview of the up-to-date knowledge about CSA, demonstrate the opportunities, challenges and trade-offs. It will provide ample opportunities to network with experts and fellow candidates from around the world in the field of CSA. 


The course is composed of a series of lectures, subsequent discussions, a poster session and group work activities.

  1. Lectures and Discussion: After each lecture (35 minutes) a discussion of 30 minutes is held. The discussion is led by about 3 participants who promote an interactive dialogue with the speaker and the audience, and challenge the speaker on the presentation and raise relevant questions from the mandatory readings of the day, as appropriate. Prior to the course, participants are asked to indicate after which speaker they want to convene the discussion. Accordingly, participants are assigned to a convener group and they receive the relevant literature of that speaker.
  2. Poster Session: After the opening session on Sunday afternoon there will be a poster session consisting of a set of parallel running poster presentations. For the poster session participants must prepare a poster specifically for the course.
  3. Group work activities: In the afternoon (Monday-Thursday) working groups (4-6 persons per group) will envision future development in Climate Smart Agriculture from an interdisciplinary perspective, identifying key fundamental issues to be addressed and how fundamental knowledge and scientific insights from various disciplines can be combined and translated into societal accepted and economic viable application. The output of the group work will be a document (3-5 pages) which will be presented on the Friday morning.


Date Programme 

Sunday 21 August

Opening Day

  • Introduction (practical)
  • Poster carousel
  • Drinks and dinner

Monday 22 August

Introduction Day

  • Key note State-of-the-art CSA: Ken Giller (Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University)
  • Interdisciplinarity: Karen Fortuin (Environmental Systems Analysis Group, Wageningen University)
  • Group Assignment

Tuesday 23 August

Animal and Plant

  • Climate change projections and adaptations - developed countries perspectives: Pytrik Reidsma (Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University)
  • Climate change projections and adaptations - developing countries perspectives: Katrien Descheemaeker (Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University)
  • Livestock production and CSA: Imke de Boer (Animal Production Systems, Wageningen University)
  • Group Assignment

Wednesday 24 August

Policy and Governance

  • Theoretical perspectives on level and domain linkages between policies: Robbert Biesbroek (Public Administration and Policy, Wageningen University)
  • International perspectives on enabling environment: Dhanush Dinesh (CIAT-CCAFS)
  • National perspectives on enabling environment, developing country perspective: Giovanna Valverde (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Costa Rica)
  • National perspectives on enabling environment, developed country perspective: Josette Lewis (World Food Center, UC Davis)
  • Group Assignment

Thursday 25 August

Business and Finance

  • Introduction to the role of entrepreneurship, innovation and economics in CSA: Thomas Long (Management Studies, Wageningen University)
  • How the private sector can help scale CSA: Dhanush Dinesh (CGIAR)
  • Economic perspectives and financing for CSA: Mark Ellis-Jones (F3 Life & Climate Finance Lab)
  • Group Assignment

Friday 26 August

Closing Day

  • Participant presentations


General information


Target Group The course is aimed at PhD candidates and other academics (please note that there are no (travel) grants available for this course, participants can only register when funding of the course is not an issue. Requests for funding will not be considered.)
Group Size Min. 15, max. 25 participants
Course duration 6 days
Language of instruction English
Number of credits 2 ECTS
Lecturers See program above
Location Wageningen University Campus
Options for accommodation Accommodation is not included in the fee of the course, but there are several possibilities in Wageningen. For information on B&B's and hotels in Wageningen please visit Another option is Short Stay Wageningen. Furthermore Airbnb offers several rooms in the area. Note that besides the restaurants in Wageningen, there are also options to have dinner at Wageningen Campus.


Fees 1


PE&RC 3 / SENSE / WASS / WIAS / EPS PhD candidates with an approved TSP €    200,- €    225,-
All other PhD candidates, postdocs and other academic staff €    400,- €    425,-
Participants from the private sector €    800,- €    825,-

1 The course fee includes a reader, coffee/tea, lunches and on dinner two days. It does not include accommodation (NB: options for accommodation are given above)
2 The Early-Bird Fee applies to anyone who REGISTERS ON OR BEFORE 15 JULY 2016
3 Those defending their thesis at Wageningen University


  • If you need an invoice to complete your payment, please send an email to, including ALL relevant details that should be mentioned on the invoice (e.g., purchase order no., specific addresses, attendees, etc.).
  • The Early-Bird policy is such that the moment of REGISTRATION (and not payment) is leading for determining the fee that applies to you.
  • Please make sure that your payment is arranged within two weeks after your registration.
  • It is the participant's responsibility to make sure that he/she (or his/her secretary) completes the payment correctly and in time.
Cancellation Conditions
  • Up to 4 (four) weeks prior to the start of the course, cancellation is free of charge.
  • Up to 2 (two) weeks prior to the start of the course, a fee of € 200,- will be charged.
  • In case of cancellation within two weeks prior to the start of the course, a fee of € 400,- will be charged.
  • If you do not show at all, you will be charged with € 550,-.

Note: If you would like to cancel your registration, ALWAYS inform us (and do note that you will be kept to the cancellation conditions)

Course Organisers
  • Claudius van de Vijver (PE&RC)
  • Madeleine van Mansfeld - Central Facilitator (Regional development and spatial use)
  • Robbert Biesbroek (Public Administration and Policy)
  • Marijn Faling (Public Administration and Policy)
  • Cinthia Soto Golcher (Forest and Nature Conservation)
  • Thomas Long (Management Studies)
  • Corina van Middelaar (Animal Production Systems)
  • Katrien Descheemaeker (Plant Production Systems)
  • Neil Prota (Management Studies)


More information

Dr. Claudius van de Vijver (PE&RC)
Phone: +31 (0) 317 485116


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