Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture - Evaluation form

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Course evaluation form

Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture June 2024

We kindly ask you to fill in this evaluation form for the Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture course/summer school organised by PE&RC and DISC graduate schools. The information is used to check and improve the quality of our activities. Please give your score for the questions / issues listed below on a scale from 1-5 (1 = bad/not at all. 5 = excellent/very much so). If needed, please fill in comments and suggestions in the designated text fields.

Personal details
Overall evaluation
How did you appreciate the poster carousel? *
How did you appreciate the lectures and practicals? *
How did you appreciate the work group activity? *
How would you rate the venue? *
Was your starting level appropriate for the course? *
Did you learn new things that you did not know before? *
What overall score would you give the Learning, sensing and control with application to agriculture course/summer school? *