The fourth Rob Goldbach Virology Lecture will be held on Thursday 8 November 2018 at 15.00 hrs in W.01 RADIX, Wageningen Campus. The biennial lecture is given by Professor Dr Michael Strand of the Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA, member of the National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Strand is an authority in the field of symbiotic interactions between viruses, insects and parasitic wasps. These wasps are often used in biocontrol of plague insects. Much of his research concerns the molecular and cellular mechanisms that support the survival of parasitic wasps at the expense of their host insect host. In particular symbiotic polydnaviruses play an essential role in the suppression of the immune system of the host insect.
The Goldbach MSc thesis prize is a continuation of the Van der Want MSc thesis prize and is awarded biennially to a student that has written an excellent MSc thesis. This year the prize is awarded to Erick Bermudez Mendez for his thesis ’’Development of neutralizing nanobody complexes using bacterial superglues”.
The Rob Goldbach Virology Lecture and the Goldbach MSc thesis prize are activities of the Rob Goldbach Fund (UFW), which was founded in 2010 by the Goldbach family in memory of Rob Goldbach, Professor of Virology from 1987 till 2009, with the aim to promote Virology in Wageningen.