Socioeconomic scenarios for climate change - how can you learn about them and be involved?
Presented by dr Bas van Ruijven (IIASA, Austria)
29 January, 2019, at 13.30 | Gaia 1, Wageningen University
Over the past decade, the global climate change research community has developed new socioeconomic scenarios for climate change: the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). This is the first generation of such community-scenarios and these are currently being used and applied in many research projects and publications. We are slowly approaching the stage where these scenarios need to be updated and lessons-learned from the first applications need to be considered.
The International Committee on New Climate change Assessment Scenarios (ICONICS) oversees the process of development, guidance and promotion of these community scenarios and organizes a Scenarios Forum (11-13 March 2019 in Denver, to initiate the scenario renewal process.
In this symposium I will present an overview of the SSP development history, the process for updating the scenarios and the ways you can get involved in the ICONICS community.
If you are interested in in participating to the symposium, you can just join.
You are also most welcome to attend my PhD defence, the same day, at 16:00h at the Wageningen Aula.
Looking forward to meeting many of you there!
Simona Pedde
Soil Geography and Landscape