On March 12th, NWO will come to Wageningen to give information about the NWA call. NWO will look back on the 2018 NWA call and ahead to the 2019 call. The location of this meeting is: Wageningen University, Orion buidling (room C1032), Wageningen.
Overview 2018 call:
Wageningen UR sent in 16 proposals as main applicant, 2 of them got a positive advice.
It seems like that proposals with a positive advice had:
Best regards,
Henrieke de Ruiter
Dr. ir. Henrieke de Ruiter
Senior policy advisor research
Corporate Strategy & Accounts
Wageningen University & Research
Post address: Visitor address:
PO Box 47 Droevendaalsesteeg 4 (Building 104)
6700 AA Wageningen 6708 PB Wageningen
Tel: +31-(0)317-484395
E-mail: henrieke.deruiter@wur.nl