Dear non-WUR PhD candidate of PE&RC,
In our efforts to support you in every way we can, even more so in these isolated and challenging times, we have decided to offer you the opportunity to participate in all activities organized by Wageningen Graduate Schools against the reduced course fee. Normally, the reduced course fee was only applicable to those PhD candidates that would defend their PhD thesis at Wageningen University (due to collaboration agreements between PE&RC and her national partners and due to the way the subsidies were set up for these types of courses), but we are changing this policy until further notice.
This means that from now on, you will have access to a very broad range of competence / skills / career oriented training activities that are organized under the umbrella of Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS). WGS is the virtual umbrella organization run by the 6 graduate schools of Wageningen University. Many of the courses that are organized by WGS are now offered online, making them even more accessible to you!
You can check out the entire course listing here.
How does it work?
When you register for a Competence / Skills / Career training offered by Wageningen Graduate Schools course, please send us your payment details. You can email this information to PE&RC will pay the full invoice to WGS and afterwards we will invoice you the remaining (reduced) fee.
We hope you are doing good and wish you all the best! And remember, when there is anything we can do for you, let us know.
Kind regards,
The PE&RC PhD programme team