Professor Eske Willerslev
Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen and Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
In the past two decades, ancient DNA research has progressed from the retrieval of small fragments of mitochondrial DNA from a few specimens to large-scale genome studies of ancient human populations, their diseases, and the environment surrounding them. In this talk, I will go through the genetic history of modern humans in Eurasia, Oceania, and the Americas. I will talk about migrations, adaptations, early human epidemics and environmental changes and how these processes shaped human genetic diversity..
The seminar will be hosted on zoom and the seminar can be accessed via the following link:
Additionally, the link to the seminar will be posted online on our website ( in the week of the seminar. If you experience any problems with accessing the seminar, please contact us at
WEES background & call for new members
WEES is an initiative of PhD students and postdocs at Wageningen University to organize a continuing series of stimulating seminars on contemporary topics in evolution and ecology. For this series we invite researchers from all over the world who have leading roles in their field. We aim to bring together different groups at Wageningen University using a variety of systems, but with a common interest in evolutionary and ecological questions. WEES is funded by graduate schools PE&RC, WIMEK, EPS, VLAG, and WIAS.
Interested in joining the WEES committee and organizing seminars yourself? WEES is looking for new members! We aim for a broad and diverse range in topics and would like to welcome new members to help and include topics not represented yet. If you are curious, send an email to and join one of our meetings.
For more information please visit:, Like us on Facebook, or join the Facebook Group for more participation.