How can humans and wild animals live together in a sustainable way? This question usually invites many different answers from researchers, depending on their discipline. To bring them all together, Wageningen University & Research organized an inspirational series of dialogues: ‘Wild Ideas: Dialogues on Human-Wildlife Interactions in a Changing World’. Participants, who showed up in great numbers, were wildly enthusiastic about the cross-border discussions they took part in. A follow-up meeting is planned April 22nd: be invited!
The Wild Ideas dialogues, each of which drew around 70 participants from all corners of WUR, clearly struck a chord. Participants were passionate about the many interactions they had and were eager to capitalize on the progress made in the series. Lysanne Snijders (Behavioural Ecology, ASG): “This series was a particularly good starting point, and within WUR we now have to decide on how we would like to take this further. Do we aim to deliver bits and pieces of evidence or do we try to build and interdisciplinary networks that uncovers holistic solutions? Maybe we can give advice to policy makers and practitioners in an integrated approach with all WUR sciences on board, following the model of We could also organize courses or summer schools in which different disciplines start collaborating in different cases.”
We invite you to a follow-up session where we will work on concrete steps from the diverse and inspiring suggestions that were put forward in the breakout groups in the last session.
Liesje Mommer
Phone: +31 (0) 317 486 944
Claudius van de Vijver
Phone: +31 (0) 317 485116
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