Be inspired and get connected to contributing to the future of biodiversity at the launch of the Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative (WBI) on 14 June 2021. With the sum of our knowledge we can make a substantial contribution to developing and catalysing actions that deliver transformative change and a nature-inclusive society. We need action and we need it now. Will you be part of the change?
The launch can be watched live and on demand via this YouTube link. Due to the overwhelming interest, registration is now closed. If you have registered for the launch (including the interactive part), you have received the Zoom link to fully participate in your mailbox.
09:15-10:00 Plenary kick-start, hosted by Lawrence Jones-Walters, with:
- Prof. Louise O. Fresco | President Wageningen University & Research | Opening words
- Prof. Liesje Mommer | Lead of the Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative | The start and scope of WBI
- Dr. Esha Shah | Scholarly Teacher at the Water Resources Management Group | How doing science for change is passionately personal
- Dr. Ernst van den Ende | Managing Director Plant Sciences Group | An invitation to work together
10:00-12:00 Seeking connections through interactions, hosted by Simone Ritzer, about:
- What does biodiversity mean to you?
- Where do you want us to be with biodiversity in 10 years from now?
- How can we collaborate in research, education and value creation to bending the curve of biodiversity?
Why the Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative?
In the next 10 years we have to make significant progress with the restoration of ecosystems and to begin the process of bending the curve of biodiversity loss in a positive direction. The need for urgency of thought and action is the driver behind the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration on 4 and 5 June 2021, and many other recent actions for biodiversity. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) believes strongly and with passion that biodiversity, food and climate issues cannot be considered separately, and can only be solved if we all work together. To make our contribution to this effort more collaborative, more effective and more visible, and to establish us in a leading role, WUR professor Liesje Mommer has therefore led the establishment and launch of the multidisciplinary Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative.
More information
WUR employees can stay up to date via the Biodiversity intranet page.
Liesje Mommer
Phone: +31 (0) 317 486 944
To register, please enter your details below and click "Register".