Invitation to WUR researchers “curious” about applying Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in their research
Our ‘traditional’ knowledge of plants, animals, food, health and the environment is being vastly improved thanks to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DS/AI). The adoption by researchers of those techniques to WUR domains opens new research opportunities and helps overcome many societal challenges such as food security or climate change. There are however still many researchers who are curious about the possibilities of data science. If that is the case for you, you might be interested in applying some of those methods and techniques in your own research by starting with the basics.
On behalf of Lukasz Grus, coordinator Data Science Education at Wageningen Data Competence Center (WDCC), we would like to invite all of you curious researchers for a fully online and free series of Data Science and AI courses. During those courses colleagues from the WDCC and FB-IT will assist you in all learning activities. We start with a lunch meeting so we can inform you about the different phases of this training. The meeting will be followed by a fully online entry level Data Science and AI course to be taken in your own pace. If you want to continue with applying Data Science and AI we offer a follow-up workshop on working with your own case and data in Microsoft Azure AI platform.
Program (October 14, 12:00-13:00, on Campus and online):
Due to Corona measures, please be aware that the number of participants on Campus is limited.
Phase 1. Introduction Lunch meeting (moderators: Lukasz Grus, Aalt-Jan van Dijk)
Within WUR we want to empower as many researchers as possible to be able to apply Data Science and AI in their research. We specifically want to assist researchers who are still curious about the possibilities of DS/AI and who have not yet had an opportunity to start with it. We also want to set-up a community platform (e.g. intranet page) to keep you interested and involved in Data Science and AI.
Registration Lunch meeting:
Interested in starting to become an experienced Data Science researcher? Click here to register.
Any questions? Please contact
The WDCC is established to support and coordinate developments in the field of (big) data, data science, and AI at Wageningen University & Research. Contact: /
Together with the Dutch AI coalition we are working on an extension of the National AI course specific for the Food and Agriculture application domain (in a similar way other domains e.g., Health already have done). The extension should be available in the second half of 2021.