Every month we put a PE&RC member in the spotlight. This month we are getting to know Britte Heijink (she/her) from Ecosystem and Landscape Dynamics, IBED, University of Amsterdam
What are you passionate about in your research?
MMy PhD is about how past human activities are impacting modern vegetation patterns in Amazonia. What i love about this research is the combination of (paleo)ecology, biogeography, and a little bit of history.
What do you currently do to de-stress?
I play korfball at least 3 times a week and I currently have a nonogram puzzle book which are also relaxing to do!
What is a good book you've read recently
I'm currently reading "How beautiful we were" by Imbolo Mbue about the fight of an African village against an oil company. So far it’s very interesting.
If you could be any plant what would you be, and why?
I would be a Tilia tree as they produce beautiful pollen!
What have you been cooking lately?
I'm trying to make my own curry paste and figuring out the best recipe for that.