The Postdoc Talent Programme offers talented researchers from abroad the opportunity to start a career at Wageningen University & Research. Applications should demonstrate the added value of the grant for the applicant’s career and the value of the applicant’s expertise for the hosting research group.
Talented eligible researchers can apply for a two-year position within one of the Wageningen University research groups. The position may result in an application for personal funding. The grant consists of € 72,500 (with overhead) per year to be spent on salary costs for two years full-time employment for the applicant of which € 10,000 per year must be covered by the research group involved. Applications should include a recommendation letter from the chair holder at Wageningen University. This letter should explain: i) the quality of the candidate weighed against peers within the research field (and what is considered excellent in this research field); ii) the opportunities to continue a career in the group with a permanent position or extended funding; iii) how the applicant’s expertise will be of value to the research group. The letter must also show the commitment of the group to co-fund this project. Wageningen Graduate Schools will select the best 5 applications on the basis of the selection criteria. Because of the limited number of fellowships available, there is a maximum of one application per chair group/chair holder. The next call for the WGS Postdoc Talent Programme will open 1 October 2022 with 4 positions available. Submit your application (application form + chair holder’s recommendation letter) electronically to with a copy to the host chair holder and the Executive Secretary of the chair holder’s graduate school. Please find the application form enclosed.
The applicant is a postgraduate who:
- Has a PhD degree from a Dutch or non-Dutch university;
- Currently works outside the Netherlands;
- Has a competitive CV suitable for applying for prestigious personal grants;
- Has international experience for at least two years.
- Will comply with the law and legal requirements with respect to the proposed activities, such as ‘Code Openness Animal Experiments’, and/or ‘Code of conduct on Biosecurity’ (if applicable)
Please contact Ingrid Vleghels ( to check eligibility before writing the proposal.
Criteria will be weighed equally.
Deadline for application: February 1, 2022
Awarding of grants: March 2022
Projects should start in July 2022 at the latest.