IEB & CLS joint event: (Board) game event

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Although we initially sent the invitation early in December, we held off on a reminder for the event until now because of the soaring corona case numbers. However, the more flexible regulations mean we can now be with 6-8 people in a single room at once. Since we will have to keep track of how many of us will join, there’s a sign-up link provided.

This event differs from the usual IEB pizza meetings, the next one being this Thursday the 20th, on two crucial aspects: instead of learning more about each other's projects via presentations, we plan on just playing (board) games. In addition, this (Board) game event will be the first joint event for us PhDs from both the IEB (Institute of Environmental Biology) and CLS (Computational Life Sciences). Although some of us are working together already, we hope this further improves our connections. 

Pizza is definitely not out of the equation, as well as having plenty of drinks and snacks. We’d like to encourage you to step outside of the comfort zone of your lab group and meet up with everyone! If you would like to join us for some glorious pizza, drinks and games, register or modify your response before Tuesday 25th 5:00 pm using the following link:

Bring perhaps a board game, your laptop (we plan to compete in League of Legends, the format of which will depend on how many of us are joining) or just yourself and your fellow PhD candidates! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Your IEB PhD council (Duygu, Melanie, Koen, Lisa and Tom)