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Wageningen Graduate Schools

PhD Workshop Carousel
Friday 20 May 2022
Forum building, Wageningen campus
Every year, Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) organises a one-day event for PhD candidates consisting of a carousel of 4 sessions with 6 workshops per session. The 1.5 hour workshops deal with all sorts of elements important for PhDs and the PhD track. Workshops are either stand-alone workshops or teasers that give a taste of more elaborate courses and workshops organised by Wageningen Graduate Schools.
Registration was closed on May 13th. All participants receive confirmation of the workshops they will participate in.
- Research data and scientific publishing in a changing world (Lecturers: Irene Verhagen and Chantal Hukkelhoven - WUR Library)
Science is opening up. Publishers, funders, universities and research communities are focusing more and more on publishing Open Access and making research data available. But what are the effects of being ‘open’? And how do you do it? In this workshop, you will be introduced to the world of Open Access publishing and Open Data. We will show you different Open Access options and tools. We will also explain how and where you can make your dataset available, as well as how to find existing datasets to reuse. Finally, you will be informed about the re-use of published material for your PhD thesis.
- Entrepreneurship as a skill set for career development (Lecturers: Gitte Schober and Victor van Saltbommel of Stefan Nortier - WUR CVC)
Next to demonstrating scientific excellence, young academics with an entrepreneurial attitude can often contribute directly to more societal relevance and economic impact based on their research. If you want to explore entrepreneurial skills and tools for your own career, this workshop offers an introduction to entrepreneurial skills, how to develop these skills and what it means to have an entrepreneurial drive. We will look at different manifestations of intra/entrepreneurship in academia, private companies or in an start-up context and introduce the support and toolset WUR offers to young scientists for exploring and developing their own idea.
- Managing your supervisor (Lecturers: Claudius van de Vijver - Graduate School PE&RC and Peter Vermeulen - Graduate School WIMEK)
Ever have troubles with your supervisor? Would you love to learn how to better -manage- your supervisor? This workshop is about the main challenges in communicating and collaborating (online) with your professor and daily supervisor(s) and the possible solutions to these challenges.
- Storytelling for academics (Lecturer: Onias Landveld - In'to Languages)
Researchers and academics struggle to communicate their research and experiences with society. Effective narrative tools like story can make this task more effective and enjoyable. A well composed story enables multi-disciplinary cooperation, successful funding applications, and positive interactions with the media. Structure is the foundation you need to tell great stories. Story structures can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be, accommodating everything from Little Red Riding Hood to Game of Thrones. They can be used to put together a pitch or a grant proposal. Understanding story structure and how the parts fit together will help you craft and tell better stories in the future. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn a basic story structure that they can use to share their research with a broader public. Participants will see those stories in a different light when they are done and have a method for analysing stories they want to tell!
- How to engage in meaningful conversations? Introducing the WUR Dialogue Navigator (Lecturers: Simone Ritzer and Janita Sanderse - WUR)
Our research is driven by the desire to understand societal challenges and to contribute to the transitions that lie before us. The Dialogue Navigator offers guidance in why, when and how to engage with dialogue so that your research can have an (even greater) impact in society. In this workshop you will unravel the potential added value of dialogue and interaction with society to your research – even for those who never leave the lab. Together we will experiment with some dialogue-based tools that will help you to reach your research objectives.
- Essentials of scientific writing (Lecturer: Loraine Faulds - In'to Languages)
Many writers find it difficult to create a clear narrative. They struggle not only with content but also with language. In the end, writers often sacrifice readability for content because they don’t understand how good writing works. In this workshop we’ll discuss the linguistic elements of clear writing, including good paragraph structure, sentence length, concrete vs abstract subjects, nominalization and general elements of coherency. After each discussion, we’ll do a short exercise to gain hands-on experience.
- Searching and organising literature (Lecturers: Marleen Noomen and Nicolien Schmaal- WUR Library)
This workshop is a teaser for the WGS course Searching and Organising Literature for PhD candidates. When you are working towards your PhD thesis, how do you find the literature you need? What is the best place to search, Google Scholar, Scopus or another database? How can you limit your search to only relevant papers? And how to organise the references and PDFs that you collect? In this workshop we will introduce the methods of searching and organising literature. You will test a literature database, create a smart search query and learn about the possibilities of reference managers.
- Scientific Integrity (Lecturer: Astrid Mars - WUR) CANCELLED
During this workshop we discuss scientific integrity for PhD-candidates; what does it mean and how to deal with it. Besides getting to know the topic and discussing the content and implications, the floor is also open for your own dilemmas.
- Designing an attractive and effective poster (Lecturer: Caro Struijke - In'to Languages)
What attracts an audience to my poster? What makes them look at it longer? How can I present my results in a clear way? During this short workshop you will learn : what makes a poster attractive, how to present text, pictures and graphs, how to make your poster self-explanatory, how to make use of colour schemes. In groups you will evaluate existing posters and you may bring your own (colour-printed on A4 paper) to receive feedback from your peers and your instructor.
- Impostor syndrome (Lecturer: Ana Pineda - I focus and write)
In this 1.5-hours workshop, you’ll understand why you sometimes feel like you are not “good enough” to be a scientist, you’ll get tools to deal with that feeling, and you’ll see that you are not alone with those thoughts. Being a PhD and even a postdoc is challenging. You are constantly learning new techniques, skills and information about your research. And when you feel you know enough, new papers are published or you need to use new methods. It’s often in those situations when we feel “not good enough”. This is impostor syndrome, and it’s estimated that 80% of high achievers suffer it. Often in silence, thinking that “only I feel this way”. On top of that, we’re constantly exposed to “excellent” scientists, that do amazing work, publish non-stop, and present like Ted speakers. This also amplifies the feeling of being an “impostor”. But guess what… you are one of those excellent scientists too.
- Academics outside academia!? (Lecturer: Jord Teeuwen - QTC Recruitment)
Wondering what it takes for you as an academic to transition towards a position in the life sciences industry? Want to know how to showcase yourself and what you have to offer? This is your chance to learn from the experts of QTC Recruitment. Their experience with recruiting professionals in the life sciences industry can help you find your selling points and open doors for the next step in your career.
- Visual Thinking (Lecturer: Natasha de Sena - Clasp Visuals)
Introduction to the strength of visual thinking. The session will focus on how visual thinking can enhance creativity, improve clarity and engage others. Please bring at least a marker, a pen, and feel free to bring any other coloured pencils etc. you'd like.
- Personal effectiveness for the introvert professional (Lecturer: Marijke v Dusseldorp - Mimicri training)
In our present Western society we value social, spontaneous and energetic behavior, and being able to react quickly. More extroverted people feel at ease here, as they get energy from social interaction. More introverted people often feel a pressure to copy this social and energetic behavior. However, by doing so, they feel uncomfortable and they lose their energy and influence. In this interactive workshop you learn about the differences between extraverts and introverts, and how this effects daily communication and interaction. By discovering your own strengths and by recognizing the needs of both introverts and extroverts, you will be able to act more efficiently and increase your impact. During the workshop we will practice some basic, effective communication tools. Extroverts who like to optimize their collaboration with more introverted peers, students or supervisors are also welcome.
- Pitching your research (Lecturer: Mariska Wessels - In'to Languages)
Knowing how to present your idea in a convincing manner is an indispensable skill. Scientists must be able to explain their work effectively and memorably to non-specialist audiences as well as to their peers. This 1.5 hour workshop provides you with practical tools to develop both a compact and convincing message and inspiring delivery. You will discover creative approaches in delivering an effective pitch, learn vocal and performance techniques to engage and inspire an audience and to bring content to life.
- Writing propositions (Lecturers: Claudius van de Vijver - Graduate School PE&RC and Peter Vermeulen - Graduate School WIMEK)
What are propositions and how to write a good one? After an introduction we will discuss propositions which have been submitted by participants to improve these and find the way of formulating good propositions
- Starting to supervise BSc and MSc thesis students (Lecturer: Marieke van Schaik - WUR)
In this workshop you will be provided with some general information about supervising BSc & MSc thesis students at Wageningen University and discuss good practices, expectations of staff as well as students and basic skills, including intercultural issues. Furthermore there obviously will be room for questions. The workshop is a summary and a teaser for the two-day training on thesis supervision offered several times a year by the Education Support Centre.
The WGS PhD Workshop Carousel is organised by the PhD programme coordinators of the 6 graduate schools that form Wageningen Graduate Schools.