Mini-symposium Soil biodiversity and plant performance

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Save the date: 22nd of June, 10:30-12:00, in room O.128 (Kruytgebouw, Padualaan 8, Utrecht University)

In the occasion of my PhD defense, I am organizing a mini symposium during which various speakers will shortly (5-10 min) present their views on soil biodiversity and its link to plant performance. The relative short format is meant to enable more discussion around the topic and think together about which biodiversity is the most relevant for plant performance and to adress the question if we can/should manipulate soil biodiversity to modulate plant performance.

More information will follow but we will have the pleasure to hear from Prof. Michael Bonkowski (University of Cologne, Germany), from Prof. Marcel van der Heijden (Agroscope and University of Zürich, Switzerland; joining online), from Dr. Paolina Garbeva (NIOO-KNAW, NL), and also Prof. George Kowalchuk (UU), Dr. Stefan Geisen (WUR) and Dr. Alexandre Jousset (UU and Blomitec). I will also give a very short talk about my PhD (small teaser before the defense in the afternoon ;-) )

You can register on the following link:

(note that you can register until the day itself; it is not mandatory but more a help for the organization)

I am looking forward to see many of you there,


Nathalie Amacker (