Tuesday 24 May 2022 (12:30 to 13:30h) – Gaia Building, first floor, exhibition area.
The Game of Games with Ton Spil, Twente University
The Game of Games is the ideal tool to visualize all the steps you need to take when making a board, online and VR games. Designed as a game itself, this meta-game takes you on a trip to several islands that represent the different levels of game development and it guides you through the developing fun process.
More info: https://www.utoday.nl/news/61773/Playing_the_Game_of_Games
Wednesday 1 June 2022 (12:30 to 13:30h) – Gaia Building, first floor, exhibition area.
Playing with the trouble - with Jessica Duncan & Jet Vervoort, Wageningen University & Research
Games as a method for transformative collaborations. Our interdisciplinary team of nine researchers will co-create a toolbox of modular mini-games that can support diverse teams in various stages of their collaborations covering a diversity of domains with stakeholders inside and outside academia.
More info: https://www.unusualcollaborations.com/playing-with-the-trouble