PE&RC Graduate Programme 2022 call (deadline September 8, 2022 with deadline pre-registration August 22, 2022)

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PE&RC Graduate Programme 2022 call 
Deadline September 8, 2022 with deadline pre-registration August 22, 2022

The PE&RC Graduate Programme call involves the funding of (a maximum of) four PhD positions and aims to stimulate talented MSc students of Wageningen University (WU) to do a PhD research that is embedded in one of the WU-PE&RC chair groups under the supervision of a PE&RC staff member. The main supervisor is a WU PE&RC staff member with ius promovendi (a promotor). Only one applicant per main supervisor is allowed.

The call focuses on the quality of the candidate. A rule of thumb of a grade of 8 or higher for an MSc thesis is needed to qualify for the grant. If you have a suitable candidate in mind, we urge you to stimulate this person to submit an application for this call, where you would be involved as supervisor and writing coach. In order to be able to organize the selection process interested candidates must pre-register at latest August 22.

More information about the call and an application form are enclosed here.

PE&RC call for visiting scientists 2022
Deadline June 27, 2022

The objective of the PE&RC Visiting Scientist grants are to stimulate scientific quality of research within PE&RC and to strengthen international relations. The focus is on new initiatives that have the potential to develop into long(er) term collaborations. Grants are meant for excellent scientists from abroad who want to work for a period of up to 6 months at PE&RC. Joint applications of Wageningen University groups with one or more other PE&RC member institutes are possible, and even encouraged. Do note that in this situation the first applicant must be a WU PE&RC staff member and that, when granted, the funding will be arranged via the chair group of this staff member.

More detailed information: