You are kindly invited to the next WBI get-together:
Living soils: leveraging action through the Soil Health Law and beyond?
Pathways and opinions on how to achieve effective soil health are abound. However, there seems no single best way. No silver bullet. Yet, given the widespread and continual degradation of soil health across EU, changing the status quo is needed for sure. How can we from WUR help to change the status quo, to make sure that the potential of our soils contributed to ecosystem functioning? What is needed from science to implement clear regulations? What do we already know? Where are the points of contention?
We will explore these questions and common points of connection on how WUR can help move forward toward a long term vision that supports Soil Health and biodiversity.
What: Next Wageningen Biodiversity Initiative get-together
Where: Impulse Speakers Corner
When: March 30th, 16:00-17:00, drinks afterwards