This two-day workshop is aimed at providing a basic understanding of creating and evaluating de novo assembly using long read technologies. The workshop requires knowledge of working with the Linux operating system and of biological topics such as genetics and DNA. Although the data is from a plant genome, the learned principles can be applied to many other organisms, including bacteria, fungi and mammals. The idea behind this workshop is that you learn the most by doing and discussing the results.
Day 1:
Morning: Quality control and evaluation of long read data
Afternoon: Assembly of long reads
Day 2:
Morning: Comparison and visualization of long read assemblies
Afternoon: Validation of assemblies
Target Group | The workshop is intended for bioinformaticians or researchers who want to learn about application of latest sequencing technologies in genomics. |
Group Size | Min. 20 / Max. 24 participants |
Course duration | 2 days |
Language of instruction | English |
Frequency of recurrence | At least every 2 years |
Number of credits | 0.6 ECTS |
Lecturers | Dr. Sven Warris (Business Unit Bioscience, Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen University & Research), Christina Papastolopoulou (DLO HBO Onderzoeker, Wageningen University & Research) |
Prior knowledge | No prior experience with PacBio or ONT sequencing data is required. |
Location | Wageningen University Campus, specific location to be announced. Please note that you have to bring your own laptop. |
Options for accommodation | Accommodation is not included in the fee of the course, but there are several possibilities in Wageningen. For non-WUR PE&RC members 50% of the accommodation costs can be reimbursed with a maximum of €30,- per night. For more information contact Miriam van Heist ( For information on B&B's and hotels in Wageningen please visit Another option is Short Stay Wageningen. Furthermore Airbnb offers several rooms in the area. Finally, there are a number of groups on Facebook where students announce subrent possibilities and things like that. Examples include: Wageningen Room Subrent, Wageningen Room Sublets, and Wageningen Student Plaza. Wageningen has a range of restaurants, but there are also options to have dinner on the University Campus. |
Miriam Heist (PE&RC)
At this moment, this course is not scheduled yet. However, if you register your interest in this activity below, we will inform you as soon as the course is scheduled and registration of participation is opened.