EPS Flying seminar “Elisabeth Bik” – Fighting the dark side of science

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EPS Flying seminar “Elisabeth Bik” – Fighting the dark side of science

Organized by the European Plant Science Retreat committee.

Date14th of September, 15.30 – 16.30

Location: Orion, room C2005-C2006, Wageningen University

Elisabeth Bik, a trained microbiologist, has transitioned her career towards the vital role of identifying and exposing scientific fraud. Over the past years, Elisabeth has successfully uncovered more than 4000 instances of image manipulations and other forms of misconduct present in scientific publications. In her talk, she will showcase her adept detective skills by presenting examples of duplicated images and various fraudulent practices.

Furthermore, Elisabeth will offer valuable insights into the process of reporting suspicious findings, shedding light on how such allegations are managed by journals and research institutions. Her talk promises to provide actionable advice for navigating the intricate landscape of research integrity and maintaining the credibility of scientific discourse.

Enjoy the seminar.

The EPSR committee