Science and Impact

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SENSE symposium "Science and Impact", 15 November 2023

We are happy to announce that the registration for the next SENSE symposium on 15 November on the very topical issue of Science and Impact has opened.

Given, among others, the many climate-change-related extreme weather events of this summer, the pressing PFAS issue, and many other urgent matters. The responsibility of science to contribute to the analyses of and solutions for these issues, is felt by many within academia. But how to be societally involved and at the same time keep to scientific standards and values? These and other issues can be discussed during the SENSE symposium.
These matters involve anyone within the network, irrespective of your field of research, so we hope to meet many of you and have fruitful and inspiring discussions

The meeting will be held at VU Amsterdam from 9:30-17:30, including drinks afterwards. 

Provisional programme:
9:15-9:45 - Arrival and coffee
9:45-10:00 - Opening remarks by Phillip Pattberg and Jampel Dell'Angelo
10:00-11:00 - Keynote lecture by prof. Lyla Mehta
11:00-11:15 - Coffee break
11:15-12:00 - Roundtable discussion
12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch break
13:00-14:39 - Parallel workshop sessions on topics such as Science Communication and Creativity, Science and Activism, and Career Development
14:30-15:00 - Coffee break
15:00-15:30 - Plenary closing
15:30-16:15 - Poster session
16:15-17:30 - Drinks and bites

Presenting your poster
We invite SENSE PhD candidates to present posters about their research. You can indicate your availability for poster presentation on the registration form.

More information
Adjustments to the programme will be updated on the SENSE website.
If you have questions or remarks about the SENSE symposium, please contact Dan Petrovics

Go to the Registreration Form