October WEES seminar

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Dear All,

 We would like to invite you to attend October’s Wageningen Evolution and Ecology Seminar (WEES) and Workshop in-person!

The Seminar will take place on Tuesday 17th October, from 16:00 to 17:00 in Orion, C3033. This will be followed by drinks at The Spot and an opportunity to meet and have dinner with the Speaker (sign up for diner with Maxence – maxence.longuemare@wur.nl).

 The associated Workshop will take place in Orion B4015 from 14:00 to 15:30. The workshop gives attendees the opportunity to meet the seminar’s speaker and discuss about a hot topic both in science and for society. Registration is required for the Workshop, and you can sign up by emailing Maxence – maxence.longuemare@wur.nl

 This will be a great event so please forward this information to anyone who could be interested!



Seminar: The reshaping of ecological communities globally under land-use change and climate change (October 17th 2023, 16h-17h in Orion, C3033)

 Dr. Tim Newbold

Principal Research Fellow

Genetics, Evolution & Environment

University College London, United Kingdom 

Biodiversity is changing rapidly under the influence of human actions. Until now, land-use change has been the predominant driver of biodiversity change, but the impact of climate change is now clear and accelerating. Using global biodiversity data and models, my research seeks to understand how land-use change, climate change and their interactions are restructuring ecological communities worldwide. I also explore which types of species are benefiting and losing from land-use and climate changes, and what this means for human societies because of changes in pollinator biodiversity.


Workshop: The role of biodiversity scientists in tackling biodiversity changes (October 17th 2023, 14h-15h30 in Orion, B4015)

 In this workshop, Dr. Tim Newbold will lead an engaging and dynamic discussion about the integral roles that biodiversity scientists play in tackling biodiversity changes. This can cover a wide range of topics, including strategies for enhancing the quality of evidence regarding biodiversity decline and its underlying factors, solutions to tackle biodiversity loss, methods for effectively communicating with government policymakers, businesses, as well as approaches to actively engage with civil society, including through activism.


In preparation, attendees are asked to read the following two articles that will be discussed during the workshop:


About WEES

WEES is an initiative of PhD students and postdocs at Wageningen University to organize a continuing series of stimulating seminars on contemporary topics in evolution and ecology. For this series we invite researchers from all over the world who have leading roles in their field. We aim to bring together different groups at Wageningen University using a variety of systems, but with a common interest in evolutionary and ecological questions. WEES is funded by graduate schools PE&RC, WIMEK, EPS, VLAG, and WIAS.  

Want to organise seminars yourself? Join WEES!

WEES is looking for new members! We aim for a broad and diverse range in topics and would like to welcome new members to help and include topics not represented yet. If you are curious, send an email to weeswageningen@gmail.com and join one of our meetings.


For more information, please visit www.weeswageningen.nl and follow us on twitter @weeswageningen