Dear PE&RC members,
This spring I took over the chair position in the PPC from Balta . I am at the beginning of the third year of my PhD at the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics at the University of Amsterdam. My research takes place in the Oostvaardersplassen, where I try to quantify the impact of herbivore exclusion on carbon and nutrient cycling. I joined the social committee of the PPC about a year ago, and I like that the PPC brings together PhDs from different groups and institutes with different perspectives by organizing social events, career activities and the yearly PE&RC day. I hope that as chair I can facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas within the PPC, to make sure that we make all PhDs feel represented and that we can address issues when necessary.
If you have ideas, suggestions or issues for the PPC, you can always contact me via!
Emma Polman