On Tuesday June 4th, the next B-Wise meeting of 2024 will take place at 12:30h, in room C0226 in the Forum building. Lunch will be available from 12:00h onwards.
We will have two speakers: Sofia Bengoa Luoni, postdoc at WU Genetics, will talk about the use of deep neural networks for classification of plant image data. Henri van de Geest, bioinformatician at Hudson River Biotechnology, will talk about using nanopore sequencing to decipher CRISPR edits in plants., If you would like to join for the (free) lunch at 12:00h, please send an e-mail to lunch@bioinformatics.nl by Friday May 31st latest. For those joining the meeting online, here is a link:
Meeting ID: 368 731 554 724
Passcode: nHSWsA
Please pass this message on to any co-workers you believe might be interested.
Looking forward to meeting many of you there!
Best regards,
Marnix Medema
Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University
PS: You were sent this e-mail because we believe you may be interested. Please spread the word to those who did not receive the message, e.g. by putting up the attached flyer. For additional announcements we use the LinkedIn group "Wageningen Bioinformatics", see https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=7472588 - so please join this group.