What to do after your PhD and how to prepare for that

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Dear PhDs

We invite you all for the LUNCH MEETING on “What to do after your PhD and how to prepare for that” organized by WIMEK together with HR.

This will take place in FORUM B0725 on Monday 27th of January 2025 between 12:00 – 13.00 pm.

More information

  1. Target group: All the PhDs of WUR
  1. Goal:
  • There are already few workshops available for PhDs like “Career Perspective”, “Career Orientation”, etc. in which PhD students are prepared to write a CV, motivation letter, learn about networking and do a mock interview. We do not focus on these aspects in the lunch meeting. However, we, WIMEK wants to help PhDs to think what they want to do after their PhD and how to reach their (dream) career. So, it is basically to help PhDs think and analyze the available options.
  • Also, to socialize
  1. Meeting mode: Live only
  1. Conducted by

Joes van Meurs and Talitha Bots | Learning & Development Advisors, Center of Expertise Learning & Development | HR Team WFSR

If you are interested to participate, please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/Yd6QVCrt67

If you have any questions please send an email to: elackiya.sithamparanathan@wur.nl


Thank you


With regards

Elackiya Sithamparanathan

On behalf of WIMEK Team