Microbial Ecology 6 -11 April 2025

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No Frontiers in Microbial Ecology:


The role of microbiomes in a sustainable future for our planet

Sunday 6 - Friday 11 April 2025

Parkhotel de Bosrand, the Netherlands



Microbial communities are vital to life on Earth. These “invisible creatures” catalyze global elemental cycles, regulate climate, and support human and environmental health and thereby play a critical role in mitigating climate change, ensuring sustainable food and energy production as well as sustainable industrial production.

This one-week course explores the dynamic interplay between microbiomes and their environments, focusing on their contributions to sustainability. Participants will tackle critical questions: How do microbial communities influence climate regulation, nitrogen and carbon cycling, and how they play in mitigating or exacerbating climate change? How can microbiomes support sustainable agriculture by enhancing soil fertility and health, improving crop resilience, and reducing reliance on chemical inputs? What potential do microbial ecosystems hold for sustainable energy production, while minimizing environmental impacts? How can microbiome science be applied to solve challenges in waste management and resource conservation? How can we steer microbiomes to reach these goals? It may not give clear answers, but lots of new ideas, insights, perspectives, friends and research directions, we expect. More than enough reasons to participate in this course!

Course set-up

The course is composed of a series of lectures, subsequent discussions, working group activities, and poster sessions. The course will start on Sunday in the late afternoon (4 PM) with welcome drinks, a dinner, and poster pitches. You can find the detailed program here.

Sunday 6 April Arrival, dinner and pitch talks at the course venue
Monday 7 April (A) Concepts in Microbial Ecology; (B) Climate Change: Greenhouse gases and microbial processes: understanding methane and nitrous oxide emissions in soils and mitigation strategies
Tuesday 8 April Sustainable food production, Science-policy interface
Wednesday 9 April Visit to the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO) and mid-term feedback group activities
Thursday 10 April Sustainable energy/industry 
Friday 11 April Group work presentations
List of speakers
  • Prof. Gerard Velthof, Wageningen University
  • Dr. Marcio Leite, Universityof Amsterdam
  • Prof. Jos Raaijmakers, Netherlands Institute of Ecology & Leiden University
  • Dr. Viviane Cordovez, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
  • Dr. Ludovic Jourdin, TU Delft
  • Prof. Amelia-Elena Rotaru, University of Southern Denmark
  • Dr. Marina Kaluzhnaya, San Diego State University 
  • Han Wang, Netherlands Institute of Ecology and Utrecht University
  • Lena Faller, Netherlands Institute of Ecology and Utrecht University 
Course organisers
General information
Target Group The course is aimed at PhD candidates, postdocs, and other academics
Group Size Max. 24  participants
Course duration 6 days
Language of instruction English
Frequency of recurrence Every three years
Number of credits 1.5 ECTS
Lecturers See description above
Prior knowledge Basic knowledge of microbial ecology is assumed
Location Parkhotel de Bosrand, Ede
Fees 1
  FEE 1
a) PE&RC / WIMEK / WASS / EPS / VLAG / WIAS PhD candidates with an approved TSP / WU EngD candidates 
b) RSEE PhD candidates
€ 420,-
All postdocs and staff of PE&RC € 840,-
All other academic € 920,-
All non-academic participants € 1680,-

1 The course fee includes accommodation, all meals, course materials, coffee/tea, and water. It does not include beverages in the bar.


PE&RC Cancellation Conditions

Note: If you would like to cancel your registration, ALWAYS deregister yourself with the link in your confirmation email. Do not assume that by NOT paying the participation fee, your registration is automatically cancelled, because it isn't (and do note that you will be kept to the cancellation conditions). 

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS read the Cancellation conditions for PE&RC courses and activities.

More information

PE&RC Office
Email: office.pe@wur.nl



After registering you can chose your payment preference. You can request a payment through your institute (invoice or Proqme) or pay directly yourself by Ideal or Credit card.
WUR participants: please have your department cost center code (kostenplaats) and project number at hand when registering. Your secretary will be able to provide you with this information.