Supervisor Evaluation of Graduated WU-CAAS PhD's

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Supervisor Evaluation of Graduated WU-CAAS  PhD's

Dear supervisor,

During a visit of the previous president of WUR (Louise Fresco) to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) in 2015 it was expressed that the collaboration between the two institutes should be strengthened. To this end the joint PhD programme of which the first phase ran from 2016 to 2020 and the second phase ends this year. Currently the WUR board is contemplating a third phase of the programme.

Since you had a PhD in the programme that has graduated, we would like to have your opinion of the programme. More specifically, we would like your opinion in the quality of the programme and whether it indeed has initiated or strengthened collaboration. Note that individual information is treated confidentially as the survey will only be reported in a general manner. 

Where applicable, please fill in the answer to questions on a scale of 1-5 (1 = poor, low, not good, not at all  / 5 =, very high, strong, excellent, very much so). We ask you to score by comparing your experience with the CAAS PhD with other PhD's you have supervised or supervise. 

Thanking you in advance for your time and attention.


Personal details
Quality of the PhD candidate and thesis relative to other PhD's you have supervised:
PhD candidate *
Thesis *
Comments regarding quality of the PhD and the thesis
Communication, interaction and collaboration with your colleague(s) at CAAS regarding:
The research process *
Review of thesis and papers *
Publication strategy *
Comments regarding communication, interaction and collaboration with CAAS supervisor:
Has the programme strengthened your (future) collaboration with the CAAS colleagues/institute? *
Will you submit another application in the future *
Would you recommend the programme to a collegaue *
Your overall appreciation of the programme *
General comments on the programme: