Dr. Diego Abalos Rodriguez
Plant ecology for nitrous oxide mitigation and sustainable productivity.
Soil BiologyWageningen University & Research
Dr. Ralf Aben
National research program on greenhouse gas
emissions from peat grasslands.
Dr Anna Alekseeva
Linking species composition to functionality.
Exploiting microbial ecosystems in traditional fermented foods to understand ecosystem stability.
Laboratory of Genetics,
NIOO - Microbial EcologyWageningen University & Research, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr Jetske de Boer
Exploring and exploiting phytochemicals to lure hyperparasitoids away from beneficial biocontrol agents.
NIOO - Terrestrial EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr. Guus ten Broeke
Measruing resilience of ABMs
Dr Astrid Bryon
Hidden treasures or burdens? Covert viruses and
their mechanisms in insects.
Laboratory of VirologyWageningen University & Research
Dr. Sarah Carter
GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Project Office
Dr Yvonne Cuijpers
DiverIMPACTS Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains towards Sustainability
Farming Systems Ecology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr Sander van Delden
PlasmaPonics - Precision Horticulture with locally plasma-produced nitrogen fertilizers
Dr Sayed Mohammad Ebrahim Derakhshani
Dust emission modelling and mitigation.
Farm Technology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr. Sarah Duxbury
Microbiome Invasion and Transmission of plasmidmediated Antimicrobial Resistance (MITAR)
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr. Georg Eichhorn
Quantifying behavioural and physiological adjustments to a new style of life in a traditionally arctic migratory bird.
NIOO - Animal EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr. Helen Esser
TBEV: Contributions to Monitoring, Early Warning and
Intervention in The Netherlands (TBEV-COMEIN)
Laboratory of EntomologyWageningen University & Research
Dr Thijs Fijen
OBServ: Open library of pollinator biodiversity and ecosystem. Services Scenarios
Dr. Davide Francioli
Playing hide-and-seek: how interactions between soil-borne fungi and grassland plant species control coexistence.
Dr. Jelke Fros
Manipulation of the CpG dinucleotide bias in the genomes of mosquito-borne viruses;
the effects on transmission and applications in rational vaccine design.
Laboratory of Virology,
Laboratory of EntomologyWageningen University & Research, Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Daniel Gaitan Cremaschi
Horticultural food systems based on ecologically intensive production and socio-economically sustainable value chains in the transition economies Chile and Uruguay (HortEco)
Farming Systems Ecology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr. Alexey Grum-Grzhimaylo
Darwinian agriculture: guided by an ancient farming mutualism
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr. Alena Gsell
Assessing the food web function of phytoplankton parasites.
NIOO - Animal EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr Alexander Haverkamp
A taste for beauty: how flower-feeding caterpillars
find their foraging niche
Laboratory of EntomologyWageningen University & Research
Catarina Jakovac
Tropical forest Resilience.
Dr Haris Ahmad Khan
Computer vision in agricultural robotics
Farm Technology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr Olga Kostenko
Boosting the efficacy of biological control agents of citrus mealybugs through olfactory conditioning
NIOO - Terrestrial EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr Bjarne Larsen
Revealing genomic composition of apple cultivars - targeting future breeding.
Laboratory of Plant BreedingWageningen University & Research
Dr. Alvaro Lau
Combining remote sensing and 3D forest modelling to improve tropical forests monitoring of greenhouse gases emissions - 3DForMod
Dr. Jeroen van Leeuwen
EU H2020 Project Landmark
Dr Ali Leylavi Shoushtari
Soft agricultural robotics.
Farm Technology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr. Marjolein Lof
Modelling and mapping the spatial distribution of mobile-agent based ecosytem services in agricultural landscapes.
Centre for Crop Systems AnalysisWageningen University & Research
Dr. Madelon Lohbeck
Towards multifunctional landscapes in tropical deforestation frontiers.
Dr Marloes van Loon
Disentangling agronomic and economic yield gaps in Ethiopian wheat based systems for better targeting of development interventions (Yield Gap Wheat Ethiopia).
Plant Production Systems GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr. Ingrid Lubbers
Functional diversity of soil invertebrates: a potential tool to reduce N2O emissions?
Soil BiologyWageningen University & Research
Dr. Iris Manola
Interaction between birds and offshore windfarms.
Dr. Guillaume Marie
Climate-proofing forest ecosystem services
VU - Systems EcologyVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Dr. Laura Martinez Garcia
Influence of litter traits on soil microbial community traits and ensuing SOM properties in conventional-intensive and ecological-intensive agro-(forest)-ecosystems.
Soil BiologyWageningen University & Research
Dr. Susana Miguel Barreiro
4CAST - Long-term Forest Dynamics Impact Assessment.
Dr. Milutin Milenkovic
Big-EO-Analytics; open EO
Barbara Mizumo Tomotani
Evolution of circadian clocks: Urbanization as a large-scale experiment
NIOO - Animal EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr. Elly Morriën
Secondary succession belowground: top-down or
bottom-up controlled?
Dr Adugna Mullissa
Machine learning based forest monitoring.
Dr. Renske Onstein
has frugivory influenced the macroecology and diversification of a tropical keystone plant familiy?
Dr Dennis Oonincx
Circular economy project on developing houseflies for feed.
VU - Animal EcologyVrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Natalie Oram
Harnessing trait-based plant combinations to
mitigate N2O emissions under current and future
climatic conditions.
Soil BiologyWageningen University & Research
Dr. Simona Pedde
Understanding stakeholders’ needs through co-production and scenarios through visualisation – An application to the Overrijsselse Vecht.
Dr. Diego Pesce
Why sex? Testing the benefits of recombination with an antibiotic-resistance enzyme.
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr. Ana Pineda
Linking aboveground-belowground interactions and plant-soil feedback to improve pest control and sustainability in greenhouse cut-flowers.
NIOO - Terrestrial EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr. Arun Pratihast
A community-based interactive monitoring system for effective REDD+ implementation in Peru.
Dr. Peter Roosjen
Automated Airborne Pest Monitoring AAPM of Drosophila suzukii in Crops and Natural Habitats.
Dr. Philip Ruelens
Gene expression and the tempo and mode of evolution.
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr. Manja Saebelfeld
Predicting evolutionary pathways to β-lactam resistance
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr Masha van der Sande
Resilience of Tropical Secondary Forests
Dr. Marieke Sassen
Secondment to Wageningen to address questions on reconciling increased food production and biodiversity conservation goals.
Plant Production Systems GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr. Peter van der Sleen
Understanding the resilience of Amazonian floodplain forests
Dr Eveline Snelders
Where, when and how? Elucidating the mechanisms of azole-resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus.
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr. Mark Sterken
Quantitative genetics of genotype x environment interactions.
Laboratory of NematologyWageningen University & Research
Dr Kathryn Stewart
Eco-Eva dynamics of phenotypic plasticity.
Dr Inmaculada Torres-Campos
Defenseless defenses: does biological control work
better on unprotected plants?
Dr. Haidong Wang
Usutu virus in the Netherlands: Zoonotic potential and fitness trade-offs in birds and mosquitoes.
Laboratory of Virology,
Laboratory of EntomologyWageningen University & Research, Wageningen University & Research
Dr. Simone Weidner
The soil virome and its impact on microbial community composition.
NIOO - Microbial EcologyNetherlands Institute of Ecology
Dr. Annet Westhoek
Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resource-efficient intensive vegetable production.
Farming Systems Ecology GroupWageningen University & Research
Dr Martijn Weterings
RAAK-PRO – Sensing ungulate responses to poaching.
Dr Meike Wortel
Predicting evolution (Origins Center)
Dr. Wu Xiong
Application of protozoa as next generation biofertilizer in sustainable agriculture.
Dr. Jianhua Zhang
Ontrafelen van factoren die azolenresistentie bij schimmels veroorzaken en onderhouden: vaststellen van causaal.
Laboratory of GeneticsWageningen University & Research
Dr Danju Zhang
C:N:P stoichiometry and growth rate in Douglas fir
and Scots Pine on nutrient poor soils in Netherland.
Dr. Yi Zou
Living landscapes: recognizing and strenthening the contribution of ecosystem services (biological control, pollination) to crop yields, food security and farmer income in China.
Centre for Crop Systems Analysis,
Farming Systems Ecology GroupWageningen University & Research, Wageningen University & Research
Dr Marie Jasmijn Zwetsloot
The role of soil biological processes and plants in the provision of soil functions.
Soil BiologyWageningen University & Research