Tidy data transformation and visualization with R (online) - Evaluation form

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Tidy data transformation and visualization with R (online) - Evaluation form 

The organisers ask you to fill in this evaluation form of the course. The information is used to check and improve the quality of our courses. Please give your score for the questions / issues listed below on a scale from 1-5 (1= bad, not at all. 5 = excellent, very much so). If needed, please fill in comments and suggestions in the designated text fields.

Personal details
General questions
Was your starting level appropriate for the course? *
How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend/colleague? *
Questions about the lecturers, course set-up and the course contents
Was the time spent on lectures sufficient? *
Was the time spent on discussion sufficient? *
Was the time for computer exercises sufficient? *
Do you think the computer exercises were clear? *
How likely are you to follow a series of Data Science courses by the same instructors? *
Overall questions about the course
What is your overall rating of the course? *
What was your impression of the teacher(s) in general? *
Do you think this course was beneficial to you? *