PE&RC Last years retreat - Evaluation form

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PE&RC Last years retreat - Evaluation form

The organisers ask you to fill in this evaluation form of the PE&RC Retreat. The information is used to check and improve the quality of our activities. Please give your score for the questions / issues listed below on a scale from 1-5 (1 = bad, not at all. 5 = excellent, very much so). If needed, please fill in comments and suggestions in the designated text fields.

Questions about specific aspects of the programme
How would you rate the Presentation "The last phase of your PhD in steps"? *
How would you rate the Workshop "Defending your thesis"? *
How would you rate the Workshop "Overcoming hurdles to finish your PhD"? *
How would you rate the PE&RC Alumni networking session? *
How would you rate the Workshop "Into the Future"? *
Questions about the facilities and catering
How would you rate the lecture room? *
How would you rate the hotel room? *
How would you rate breakfast? *
How would you rate lunch? *
How would you rate dinner? *
What would be your overall rating for the venue? *
Questions about the PE&RC Retreat in general
What overall score would you give the PE&RC Retreat (all aspects combined)? *