Training and Supervision Plan (TSP)

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Training and Supervision Plan (TSP)

The Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) describes a PhD candidate's planned training and teaching activities, as well as agreements on supervision and evaluation of performance and progress. Although the TSP has a formal function, it should primarily be seen as a structure that facilitates the planning of activities related to personal development and the frequency, format and responsibilities of supervision. The candidate should use the TSP to discuss these matters with the supervisors so that both parties agree on the PhD candidate’s training and supervision. The total number of training and education credits required to be listed in the TSP should be at least 30 ECTS, which corresponds to a time investment of ~22 weeks.  

The TSP:

  • must be submitted by the PhD candidate within the first three months, but preferably within two months after the start of the project.
  • is signed by (co)-promotor(s) and supervisor(s), and is officially approved by the Graduate School. Rights and obligations are formalised through this document.
  • can be altered in the course of the PhD period. The PE&RC office must be informed on changes with respect to supervision, but does not need to be informed about specific changes in the training components.

Please prepare a draft version together with your supervisor(s) and send this by email to the PE&RC PhD Programme Coordinator with whom you had an intake meeting. They will give feedback and advice when needed. Accordingly you and your (co)-promotor(s) and supervisor(s) sign the TSP after which you send it to the head of the PE&RC PhD programme ( for formal approval. 

PhD’s registered in Wageningen should then upload the fully signed and approved TSP to Hora Finita. 
