Registering a staff project

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Staff members of PE&RC can submit a description of their research area or specific project to PE&RC, however, they are not required to do so. Submission of staff research information is recommended in case staff members would like to create a profile of their own research area that is visible to the outside world.

Staff research projects will be registered in the PE&RC research database. Furthermore, PE&RC will register Wageningen University research projects in the Wageningen research database Metis (which will be replaced in the forthcoming months by the research database Pure). Projects registered in Metis/Pure are uploaded to NARCIS (the National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System). NARCIS is the main national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work. Besides researchers, NARCIS is also used by students, journalists and people working in educational and government institutions as well as the business sector. PE&RC staff members that are not affiliated to Wageningen University are advised to contact their own administration regarding the upload of project information to NARCIS.

To register your staff project or research area with PE&RC, please download the PE&RC Staff Project Form. Please fill in this form and then send it to PE&RC Office (