The WIAS discussion group Animal Health and Immunology (link) organizes a Masterclass entitled Trained immunity through epigenetics. Prof. Bas Zwaan (Laboratory of Genetics, WUR) and Prof. Mihai Netea (Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Radboud University) will be our guest lecturers. The Masterclass will address the topic of training the innate immune system through epigenetic modifications of immune cells.
Masterclass Trained immunity through epigenetics
Date: 31st of October 2016
Time: 12:30-14:30 h
Place: NcountR room in Impulse building
This masterclass is free of charge, and open to staff and students; feel free to forward the announcement or poster (below) to anyone interested.
On the behalf of the Animal Health and Immunology discussion group, we look forward to see you there.
Tom Berghof and Mirelle Geervliet