Professor Thomas Bjorkman (Professor of Vegetable Crop Physiology, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University, USA) will give a lecture entitled 'Extending the range of temperature adaptation for high-quality broccoli'. Consumers in the eastern United States eat about 90,000 tons of broccoli per year, nearly all of which is shipped from other climates. Producing quality broccoli in this region requires changing the developmental response of reproductive development by raising the critical temperature that permits flower development by several degrees over what is available in current commercial germplasm. We’ve made progress through the talents of various breeders (some based in North Holland), some improved understanding of the physiology and genetics, and a significant effort to make production and distribution a credible possibility.
The venue of this symposium is Radix building (107), room W1, Droevendaalsesteeg 1 in Wageningen.