Mediterranean Documentary Evening - Lasagne in Paradise Lost

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WIMEK and PE&RC organise the second part of the Mediterranean documentary evening on November 23rd, titled Lasagne in Paradise Lost (see below). There will be lasagne, documentaries, and drinks, all in Mediterranean fashion, from 17:30 to 21:30, in Gaia 1+2.

We will show the final two parts of the documentary The First Eden, by Sir David Attenborough. Between the two parts, we will have an expert contribution on the Mediterranean ecosystem from John Janssen (Wageningen Environmental Research). John will talk about the biodiversity in the Mediterranean region. A second speaker will be announced ASAP.

The whole evening is paid for by your Graduate School, being WIMEK or PE&RC.

Please fill in this questionnaire if you wish to attend, and to state your lasagne preference (no later than November 19th). Maximum 50 attendees.

Hoping to see you there at 17:30!


Best regards,


On behalf of WIMEK and PE&RC,

Joost Buitink

Secretary WIMEK PhD Council
