FLOP: Frontier Literature in Plant Physiology – Crop physiology, photosynthesis, plant modelling & sensing and plant product quality
Do you want to be part of a PhD discussion group on crop physiology, photosynthesis, plant modelling & sensing and plant product quality? Then join one of our FLOP (Frontier Literature in Plant Physiology) PhD discussion groups! In our FLOP meetings, PhD students meet once a month to discuss literature related to horticultural physiology. You can decide to join one of the three themes:
For each meeting, one PhD student prepares a discussion on either a published paper (literature discussion) or on her/his own manuscript or project proposal (writing discussion). The aim is to reflect critically on the content and to broaden your knowledge on the subject. It is up to the PhD student to decide what to discuss.
If you are interested to participate in our FLOP discussion groups, or if you want to know more, please mail us!