The IEB PhD Council would like to invite all PhD Candidates of the IEB to the first online IEB PhD Mini Symposium, on Thursday the 21th of January
This symposium will have a brand-new set-up. Starting at 16:00, five of your fellow PhD candidates will highlight a part of their research in approx. 10-15 min, followed by a 10 min discussion.
From each group, one PhD gives a presentation:
• Mei Li from Ecology & Biodiversity: “Facilitation promotes invasions in plant-associated microbial communities”
• Pim Goossens from Plant-Microbe Interactions: “Downy-mildew-associated microbes in the phyllosphere”
• Martina Huber from Plant Ecophysiology: “Searching for weed-competitive rice”
• From Molecular Plant Physiology: To be announced • Peter Jan Vonk from Microbiology: “The epigenetic landscape during mushroom formation”
The IEB PhD Mini Symposium will start at 16:00 in Teams and includes a voucher from! If you register before Friday the 15th of January via this Google form, you can claim a voucher. Make sure to register before Friday the 15th, otherwise we won’t have enough time to get the voucher to you. The link for the teams meeting will follow.