What's new in One Health?
In this Discussion group, we aim to address fundamental and curiosity-driven questions that challenge the way we look at our research. It acknowledges the fact that human, animal, plant and environmental health are closely connected, the concept known as One Health. Within Wageningen University, we have unique expertise in both the life sciences and social sciences with which we can tackle the challenges of the future. Together!
One Health Talks & drinks are collaboration of PE&RC One Health research theme group and the ERRAZE initiative.
The aim of the discussion group will be to:
Obtain state-of-the-art knowledge and information about One Health topics
Stimulate communication and collaboration between different chair groups and promote multidisciplinary approaches
Provide an opportunity for members to present their research to obtain presenting skills and to receive productive inputs
Who? This seminar series is intended for all PhD-students, post-docs and staff who have an interest in the multidisciplinary aspects of health research.
When and where? Every first Thursday of the month at Impuls (please see PE&RC meetings, seminars and workshops calendar for more details).
Topics for the next months: