PE&RC member in the Spotlight: Jacqueline Verhoef

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Every month we put a PE&RC member in the spotlight. This month we are saying good bye to Jacqueline Verhoef.

Normally, a PE&RC member is highlighted to get to know that person better. This time, the setting is somewhat different, as I will be leaving PE&RC and WUR as per 1 February 2024. I’ve been working at the PE&RC office for 7 years, where I’m organising courses and activities, I’m responsible for finances of these activities and acting as office manager of our team. However, a new opportunity came by as executive secretary at MARIN in Wageningen, which for me is a next step in my career. Unfortunately, this means that I will have to leave the WUR.

The good news is that we have found someone who will replace me. This person will be introduced soon.

I would like to say goodbye to you all and maybe we will meet again!