PE&RC in the Spotlight: Hannah Broeckx

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Every month we put a PE&RC member in the spotlight. This month we are getting to know Hannah Broeckx. She is a PhD at IBED.

What are you passionate about in your research?
In my PhD I investigate the effect of light pollution on predator-prey interactions, focusing on insects as prey. I really love insects! I am very happy that I can learn more about them during my PhD and if my project could contribute even slightly to conserving these beautiful creatures, I would be very grateful.

Do you prefer fieldwork, lab work, literature research or writing?
Definitely fieldwork! I love being outside and feeling connected in nature. It is in these moments that I can feel like a true Biologist and I love that.

What is your favorite book? / What is a good/bad book you’ve read recently?
I recently finished "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari, and I absolutely loved it! In fact, I adore all of Harari's works. His perspectives on human history and the future are truly fascinating, and they have really reshaped my worldview.

What is on your bucket list?
After I finish my PhD, I would love to go on a big cycling trip from Amsterdam to Tallinn. I envision it as a journey without rigid plans, simply absorbing the world as it unfolds before me. I believe it would be an incredible experience.

When did you first feel like an adult?
Honestly, I still don’t. I often feel like an intruder on the work floor, just acting my way through it.
