PE&RC has strategic funds available for 2017 for short term and small scale projects to be spent on salary costs of WUR PhD candidates or postdoctoral fellows. Based on the success of similar calls in previous years PE&RC will use these funds to support groups with respect to activities that:
PE&RC chair groups at Wageningen University are invited to submit a proposal that clearly indicates:
The contribution of PE&RC has to be spent on 2017 salary costs of the postdoc / PhD candidate involved.
Deadline call: June 19, 2017, 9:00 AM. Proposals should be sent to, and must be supported by the chair holder of the applying group.
A selection committee that will be specifically composed of members from the research committee / PE&RC Board will determine which proposals will be granted. Strategic importance of the activity to PE&RC is the most important criterion for granting proposals. Activities that fit in one of the focal areas of PE&RC will get priority. These focal areas have been identified as a result of a collaborative PE&RC process in 2014. See below.
The central issue is how to foster ecology-based sustainability and management of ecosystems. The objective is to understand the functioning of ecosystems to design and enable the development of multifunctional, high-yield and resource-efficient production and land use systems that optimally provide and utilize natural ecosystem services.
The various global crises such as those on food security, water, climate, and biodiversity show the urgency of addressing these problems using an integral approach that involves social, economic and environmental sustainability and considers systems as networks in which the various parts are connected to each other. The objective of this theme is to contribute to the development of novel adaptive strategies that increase the resilience of both managed and natural systems to global change.
Humans, crops, livestock, and wild animals and plants are constantly being challenged by pests and (new) diseases. The objective of this theme is to generate more understanding of: